🛠 Tools, Toys, & Idols 🪀

Join Dr. T.D. Worthington for the May 28th Edition of the Pathlight Program.

A smart phone can be a valuable tool.  So is your tablet, laptop, or desktop.  It is a phone, a watch, map, camera, and dozens of other things that help us in our daily lives.  Of course, it is also a toy.  I can use it to play games, enjoy pictures, videos, or music, engage in hours of useless and trivial conversations or internet searches.  But, it can also be an idol; something that leads us away from better things, robs us of our time, and sometimes leads us down dark roads, best not traveled.

In this week’s PathLight program, Dr. Worthington will remind us to beware.  As precious time can be wasted and spiritual decline may set in. Relationship problems might arise in the home, the church, and the place of work – all because the respectable cell phone, tablet, or computer has been turned into an idol—masquerading as a tool…or even an innocent toy.