👴 Clay People 🧓

Join Dr. T.D. Worthington for the June 27th Edition of the Pathlight Program.

I recently came to a new realization.  It is something I probably could not have understood when I was young, but now it is clear as day.  As I was lamenting over the fact that, most likely in the future, I would not have the strength or the energy to serve Him as effectively as I did in my youth.  The steps of faith I took and the ministries I undertook in my younger days, were probably not in my future.

Actually, as our ability to accomplish marvelous feats for the Lord diminishes, He gives us older folks a new ministry.  Why does God allow us to get weak in the first place?  Why does old age rob us of the vitality we once had?  I have determined it is a gift!  It doesn’t look like a gift.  It certainly doesn’t always feel like a gift, but it is.

By design, God gives many of us the privilege of growing old; the privilege of growing weak, of being wounded, afflicted and fragile.  Why does He do that?  He does that to give us a new “latter-day” ministry.  This ministry will clearly demonstrate that the power that I have to praise Him, to serve Him, to be at peace, and to be joyful, does not originate from my flesh. My hurting flesh will have no reason to celebrate.  So, in my antiquity, when I celebrate, it is all Him!

Please check out this week ‘s edition of PathLight as Dr. T. D. Worthington shares his message on “Clay People”.