🤔 Are You Faithful? ✝️

Join Dr. T.D. Worthington for the September 5th Edition of the Pathlight Program.

Have you noticed that no one trusts anyone anymore?  Do you trust the President or the government in general?  Do you think we are getting an honest report on everything from election integrity, to global warming, to inflation, to Afghanistan, and even COVID-19?  Probably not.

But it is not just leaders we cannot trust.  Do you trust telemarketers?  Is the money you are giving to support hungry people or neglected animals really going where it is supposed to?  It is hard to find a trustworthy contractor, plumber, electrician, or mechanic.  Many church members would be wise in not giving trust to their pastor, and should think twice before sending their kids to certain untrustworthy Christian colleges.

I think, that is one of the biggest problems of our modern society; you can’t trust anyone.  Why is that?  Why is it even hard to trust some Christian employees to show up on time and work hard giving their best?  I’ll tell you why; it is a matter of faithfulness.  People, including many believers are simply unfaithful.

You are invited to join Dr. T. D. Worthington for this week’s PathLight program.  As you accept this message on faithfulness, you just might begin to hear the first whispers of “Well done, thou good and faithful servant”.  Our faithfulness here, even in little, is no little matter. In the unremarkable moments of life, God is shaping his fickle children into the image of his Faithful Son.