👸 Privilege 🤴

Join Dr. T.D. Worthington for the March 14th Edition of the Pathlight Program.

I am privileged.  The truth is, I have been exceptionally privileged all my life, albeit not in the way most would see it.  I am privileged that values like loyalty, faith, patriotism, and pulling your own weight through hard work were passed along to me.  But, as a believer in Christ I also enjoy many additional privileges.

I have Christian privilege.  I wish everyone did.  It’s free for the asking.  I sure wish everyone enjoyed privileges that I do.  Sadly, many people will never have my level of privilege because it is something you have to be born with.  Not physically born with, but spiritually born with—I am talking about being born again. 

A grand multitude of privileges are granted to you when you are born into God’s family, when you become a citizen of God’s kingdom—when you—regardless of your race or tongue-- freely accept your Christian privilege.

Join Dr. T. D. Worthington as he challenges his listeners to take full advantage of God’s Special Privileges that He’s freely provided to the human race!