🥵 Sweating The Small Stuff 🤷‍♂️

Join Dr. T.D. Worthington for the February 19th Edition of the Pathlight Program.

"Don’t sweat the small stuff,” we’re told. While it is important not to major on the minors, we still know that small things have the power to influence the direction of a day—or a life.  A set of lost car keys can put the whole household in an uproar. A leak under the sink can lead to a huge mess. In a positive way, a dandelion from a child can be a treasured gift. Little things matter.

The small decisions that we make this year will shape the direction of our lives.  Dr. T. D. Worthington invites you to join him in pursuing something great this year, one small decision at a time.  So many Christians are so close to greatness.  So close to being a champion, but their soft choices to take the easy way, the lazy way, robs them of victory.  They will never defeat Goliath because they cannot be counted on, nor are they willing, to deliver the cheese.

In this week’s PathLight, we will be reminded to avoid the misconception that when we shine for God, it has to be big. Often it is the little things that make the largest statements. It’s in the mundane, everyday moments that we have such opportunities to serve and share Jesus with the world.