🌹 The Best Kind Of Love ✝️

Join Dr. T.D. Worthington for the February 13th Edition of the Pathlight Program.

Valentine's Day today isn't what it used to be.  Originally, it was associated with the union of lovers by God under conditions of great stress and hardship.  Later, it was celebrated by the exchange of romantic messages called valentines.

So, Valentine's Day began as a commemoration of spiritual love, later became a celebration of committed interpersonal love, and today has become a commercialized carnival of romantic love.  I don’t personally have anything against romantic love, rather fond of it as a matter of fact, but it has never been a sufficient foundation for a strong marriage.

In this week’s PathLight program we will consider the evolution of these three dimensions:  romantic love, committed partnership, and spiritual love.  Join Dr. T. D. Worthington as he teaches from the Word of God concerning what is the best kind of love!