😡 Negative Thinking 🧠

Join Dr. T.D. Worthington for the March 12th Edition of the Pathlight Program.

Do you ever talk to yourself?  Sure, we all do.  So, what do you say to yourself when you talk to yourself?  I'm talking about the ongoing self-talk, the stuff that you say to yourself over and over and over again in your mind. If you're like a lot of people, unfortunately, you get stuck in what you might call a negative loop.

A negative mindset is easy to acquire, but it is not always easy to get rid of.  Actually, you will probably need a little supernatural help from God and a little intentional work on your end.  But the effort will be worth it, because it really matters.  Your thoughts are more powerful than you can imagine, BUT you have more power over your thoughts than you think you do.

In this week’s PathLight, Dr. T. D. Worthington reminds us that it is time to find strength, not in our own power, not in our own positive thinking, but in the power of a life-changing presence of God.