😡 The Unpopular Gospel 😖

Join Dr. T.D. Worthington for the January 17th Edition of the Pathlight Program.

We in America do not have any real experience with religious persecution, at least not the kind we might find in other countries. However, over the past decades we have seen reverence for the name of Jesus become a mockery, especially to the elite in government, education, religion, and business. Is it possible that preaching the name of Jesus might become outlawed in America?

Persecution against Christians is something we always thought of as something that could only happen in foreign lands run by communists or dictators. Could it happen here? A few months ago, I would have thought it could never happen in my lifetime, but now I am not so sure.

The recent attack on President Trump and all of his supporters has certainly cast a new light on the possibility. This brings me to the question, what happens if and when they turn their venom on us as Christians?

One day American Christians might find themselves staring at a stark and formidable choice. We can choose to save this earthly life and compromise our Christian faith, or we can choose to abandon our claim on this earthly life for the sake of Christ.

Join Dr. T. D. Worthington as he shares from God's Word on how to take courage and stand while carrying this "Unpopular Gospel" to sinners.